We put a video together to show you what we do here in Papua New Guinea:
We would appreciate prayer regarding our financial situation. It has become clear lately that our income has dropped to around only 90% of our needs. The Wycliffe UK Personnel team are concerned for us and have recently been in touch and advised us to bring this to the attention of our supporters. If you would like more information about this please let us know or visit our website.
We know many of you are concerned with us regarding the drought here. This unusually dry period is expected to peak between now and December. Please continue to pray for the people of Papua New Guinea at this time.
We would appreciate prayer regarding our financial situation. It has become clear lately that our income has dropped to around only 90% of our needs. The Wycliffe UK Personnel team are concerned for us and have recently been in touch and advised us to bring this to the attention of our supporters. If you would like more information about this please let us know or visit our website.
We know many of you are concerned with us regarding the drought here. This unusually dry period is expected to peak between now and December. Please continue to pray for the people of Papua New Guinea at this time.