Wednesday, June 17, 2015

End of School Year and Film Recommendation

It's the end of the school year here in Ukarumpa. 

This means:

*Friends are leaving, some of them for good.
*Other friends are returning from home leave.
*I (Clare) have finished my semester of teaching Kindergarten part-time (phew!)
*Levi and Heidi are enjoying a five week school break before starting Grade One and Preschool in July.
*Andrew's various jobs continue to keep him busy.  This week his work has included Executive Committee business, rescuing a vehicle that broke down an hour away from our centre, ordering parts for motorbikes, helping newcomers learn about life in PNG and a two-day trip to the town of Lae on Autoshop business.

We have often mentioned the Aitape West Translation Project, which we help to support in different ways.  Wycliffe USA has produced an excellent documentary about this multi-language project, including the moving story of how it got started.  The video can be found at

And finally, here is this month's photo. Eowyn now loves to join in fully with our daily walks.